Well well, I'm back. Was struck down by a dreaded sickness for a wee bit, so I've had time to grease up my discovering new random shit skills. And it is this new random shit I will be ranting about in the very near future (ie now).
I've discovered poems. Weird. But they are gooood! It's like I flicked a light on and I get them. Written a few, the're possibly crap, but I don't care. I had fun writing them and a good internal laugh at myself post-writing them.
I've discovered Francesca Woodman, a sweet and tragic photographer from the 70's (I think?). She only lived till 22 when she commited suicide, but her photos are so complex and surreal you'd think they were taken by someone alot older.
Would've liked to have met her and experience her brain. It would have been one creative mindfield that one. I want to know more about her and so I'm gonna spy her up. COMING SOON!
Did you know how cool Dennis Hopper is? I went to the Melbourne expo on him and I've been their (unpaid) publicist since, telling everyone who will listen to go along. There's a whole bunch of real cool taste's for the eyes there, and for the ears also cos there a few film clips too...highlight being a clip of Hopper lighting himself with dynamite at a rally. Yip that's right, dynamite. Dam crazy f*ker! His paintings are awesome, his pictures are rad, his movie's are trippy...He's just one cool dude and I munch him. (That's a new word I learned for idolise or grease on by the way).
Also other new discoveries I have made music wise are THE AVETT BROTHERS, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zero's, Megan Washington, Cymbols Eat Guitars, and I could go on and on but I'll leave it at those and that will do for now! They're all amazing rulers and I've been obsessing especially over the Avett Brothers. The drummers a hot babe (no I'm not a 15 year old school girl even though I sound like one).
As you can see I'm all about the new discoveries these days, hungry for new things like a starving African goat but I am feeling comfortably full at this moment. Full and basking in this Melbourne sun woop de. Summer is good. Walking the streets taking photo's, getting jiggy with the nananana na na nah and a little sex drugs and co co pops. Well maybe the co co pops.